Metroid Prime stands the test of time as one of Nintendo's best experiences.
Celebrating the unsung and unromantic love stories across gaming.
After becoming acquainted with the colorful cast of adults in Fire Emblem Awakening, the story soon turns into a tale of time travel involving the children...
Fire Emblem Awakening is not only filled with tactical battles and intense strategizing, but also colorful characters who sometimes fit into this medieval world and sometimes...
The name Awakening ended up being a better description than anyone realized it would be.
Revisiting Goldeneye on the N64 Though not the first shooter to appear on the N64 (that distinction belongs to Acclaim’s Turok: Dinosaur Hunter), Rare’s 1997 masterpiece Goldeneye...
Step into Inaba and Iwatodai with ease.
With the release of HBO's adaptation of The Last of Us prised to make the franchise bigger than ever, it's time to make a few distinctions.
As if our backlog of unfinished games wasn't big enough already.
When players today guide Kratos through a boss battle, they probably don’t contemplate being part of a tradition that has lasted longer than much of human...