Back when Pokémon originally started it had to compete with multiple other similar shows, including Digimon and Monster Rancher. Out of all these shows though, Pokémon by...
Pokémon Yellow came out some time after Red and Blue, but just before Gold and Silver. With the coming Pokémon anniversary, Nintendo has announced they will...
Link: The Faces of Evil, Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon and Zelda’s Adventure are all The Legend of Zelda games released on the Philips CD-i in...
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, one of the latest Zelda game on the 3DS, became not only the best 3DS game of 2013...
The Zelda universe is well known for having a never ending supply of colorful, unique and often bizarre characters to interact with. From appearance to mood...