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A Winner Is You

A Winner Is You Podcast Episode 13: Resident Evil Village



Following on from last episode, we continue the story of Ethan Winters in Capcom’s latest title: Resident Evil Village.

The game embodies a pretty significant shift away from the unrelenting American horror of Resi 7 into more of a Hammer Horror style akin to Resident Evil 4, with a bigger emphasis on action and gunplay. It maintains a level of tension and, more importantly, improves the pacing over its predecessor to create a really enjoyable horror/action romp.

We discuss the game from start to finish (spoilers, obvs), talking about the high and low points of the game, the four main antagonists, boss fights, the Duke, Ethan and Chris – the whole shebang.

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Crotchety Englishman who spends hundreds of pounds on video game tattoos and Amiibo in equally wallet-crippling measure. Likes grammar a lot, but not as much as he likes heading out for a sesh of Bakamitai karaoke in Kamurocho. You can hear his dulcet tones on the A Winner Is You game club podcast right here on GoombaStomp!
