Despite its original monochrome form, The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening contains one of the most colorful, vividly realized worlds and ultimately is one of the best experiences...
When it comes to dream-centric narratives, the main point of contention tends to be “was it real?” “Real” in this sense typically doubles for “did the...
Every gamer has preferences and opinions, but what if those opinions were handed to you by someone else? In this week’s Game Boys, Tim, Ryan, and...
After the success of the NES Classic Edition and the SNES Classic, what comes next, the N64 Classic or Nintendo's first portable, the Game Boy?
The Music of Breath of the Wild From its combat to its sandbox, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a serendipitous revitalization of a...
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword The end of 2016 is upon us, and so the Nxpress Year of Zelda is officially coming to a close....
Handheld Zeldas have always occupied an odd place in the franchise, either used for experimentation or farmed out to outside developers who take zero risks. They are...
Because sometimes a sharp sword just isn't enough.
Speak softly and carry a big sword. This seems to be Nintendo’s overriding philosophy for how story is handled in the Legend of Zelda games, and while fans...
Even though there are some mornings when it seems pointless or almost impossible, part of being a hero involves eventually getting out of bed. Link may...