Sega is making headlines by taking legal action against a social media user accused of harassing an employee. This move follows Bungie’s example of combating online...
The beloved Yakuza series almost never came to be. Sega rejected the first game pitch three times. Toshihiro Nagoshi, the creator of the series, shared this...
Sega’s recent game, Sonic Superstars, faced tough competition from Super Mario Bros. Wonder, impacting its sales negatively. Executives from Sega pointed out that launching Sonic Superstars...
Explore the bustling world of 1860s Kyoto and take down your foes in style.
We've never been closer to an official confirmation that Michael Jackson worked on Sonic the Hedgehog 3!
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 Movie Review Who would have thought that Sonic the Hedgehog, one of gaming’s most iconic yet divisive franchises, would continue to reach...
A Winner Is You is a game club podcast, meaning we go deep into a single game per episode. Ever finished a game and it’s all...
Now that Rez is 20 years old in North America, it is worth looking back to see what made it such a one-of-a-kind experience.
The scares continue (and end) with the second part of our month of horror games, just in time for Halloween, as we delve into the realm...
15 Years Later: Crash Bandicoot At E3 in 2016, Sony announced that their beloved character Crash Bandicoot was returning to PlayStation in the form of a...