Popular streamer Ninja, also known as Tyler Blevins, has strongly criticized the latest season of Fortnite. The game’s Chapter 5 Season 3, titled “Wrecked,” introduced a...
In a surprising turn, Apple has decided not to end Epic Games’ developer accounts. As mentioned in an update on the Epic Games blog, Apple will...
Epic Games has postponed the much-anticipated launch of Fortnite’s Chapter 5 Season 2. Initially set to be released this morning, the new season, titled “Myths &...
The Game Awards 2020 Another year and another Game Awards ceremony, though this time it was obviously a little bit different due to the Covid-19 pandemic....
Join us all month as our staff looks back at the most influential games of the past decade. This is not a list of our favourite...
What happens when visuals and battle pass of Fortnite meets mechanics and gameplay of Monster Hunter? The internet gets real into it, apparently. This week the...
What do you get when you mix PUBG and Minecraft? Fortnite, of course! But what happens when you add a bit of Overwatch and Titanfall to the all too...
On Wednesday, Nintendo announced via Twitter that it was canceling its long-maligned ‘Nintendo Creators Program’ and replacing it with a series of guidelines that will “make it easier...
It’s the spookiest time of the year and that means the return of autumnal seasonal events. What’s better than dressing your avatar up in eerie gear? ...
In the wake of the announcement of the PlayStation Classic, the Game Boys discuss the return of the original PlayStation and share the titles they’d most...