Final Fantasy 16 has made significant strides in attracting younger players, according to Takeo Kujiraoka, the DLC director. The recent release of the game diverges from...
Square Enix is set to launch The Rising Tide, the next downloadable content (DLC) for the hit game Final Fantasy 16, on April 18. Following the...
Fans of the Final Fantasy series have reason to celebrate as “Final Fantasy XVI” is on the brink of making its way to PC. After its...
Celebrate the best of gaming's little nods to a galaxy far, far away.
Final Fantasy VI was built on a foundation five masterpieces-strong.
Final Fantasy V is a near flawless RPG and one of Square’s finest 16-bit achievements.
Final Fantasy IV took the franchise to new heights.
Final Fantasy III is an adventure unlike any other, but one worth going back in time to experience.
Final Fantasy II was an important stepping stone for the series and genre, flaws and all.
Harvestella is a beautiful game, but its lack of focus, shallow mechanics, and repetitive sidequests drag it down.