The Close Quarters of Dead Space Dead Space 2 and 3 are less like survival-horror titles and closer in relation to their cousins in the action genre....
Most Iconic Moments in the Original Mass Effect Trilogy The original trilogy of Mass Effect games are three of the most beloved of the last generation...
Mass Effect or Star Wars? Notwithstanding the title of this article, I want to make one thing abundantly clear before I begin to defend my position:...
It’s been a year since BioWare’s Anthem launched, ready or not. A year later, is Anthem still the infamous dumpster fire it was at launch? Lucky for you,...
Dive bombing an unsuspecting sniper with the melee-focused Interceptor Javelin (the name Anthem gives its exosuits), eliminating an entire wave of enemies with a succession of the...
What do D&D, Halo, and Anthem have in common? I don’t know, but they’re all in this episode of Game Boys! This week is dedicated to giving our impressions of Anthem,...
What do you get when you mix PUBG and Minecraft? Fortnite, of course! But what happens when you add a bit of Overwatch and Titanfall to the all too...
This isn’t how the Nintendo Wii U’s tale was supposed to end. By finishing as the fourth-worst-selling console (13.56 million units sold) from the four major...
Last week, the Game Boys discussed what makes a good game good. Is what makes a game successful deceptively difficult to discern though or are the...
The drama of the beautiful game is difficult to avoid, and taking the theatre on the go was a revelation last year when FIFA 18 was...