In a surprising turn of events, the upcoming Battlefield game has hit a significant roadblock. Marcus Lehto, the director at Ridgeline Games, which was in charge...
It might be fast approaching its first birthday, but Battlefield 1 is showing no signs of slowing down any time soon. On the contrary, during its Gamescom 2017 presentation,...
Talking Point is a weekly series that posits a question concerning the gaming industry. We encourage readers, as well as our writers, to offer their thoughts...
The violence of The Great War was merciless. Soldiers faced bombs, organ-melting gases, rifles, artillery, and a myriad of diseases. Battlefield 1 can never truly be...
With Christmas just around the corner, gamers around the World will soon flock to their local retail outlet (or digital hub) to browse the wares of the videogame...
“We’ll all be cut to pieces by machine-gun fire cut before we can say ‘charge!’.” Upon the announcement of Battlefield 1 – between the snide remarks...
With the figurative smoke still settling from some explosive press conferences, anticipation was at an all-time high this year at E3. 2016 was a year of...