The gaming world is buzzing with excitement over the unexpected success of “Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth.” This latest entry in the beloved series has shattered...
At a recent Morgan Stanley event, Andrew Wilson, CEO of Electronic Arts (EA), shared insights on the potential of generative AI in game development. Wilson sees...
Electronic Arts (EA) has faced a tough period, announcing massive layoffs and the cancellation of several projects, including a first-person shooter Star Wars game by Respawn...
Embracer Group is gearing up to sell its gaming development company, Saber Interactive, for a whopping 500 million dollars. Bloomberg reports that the Swedish conglomerate is...
Sony’s PlayStation Portal is making waves, significantly surpassing sales expectations, according to a recent interview with Hiromi Wakai, Sony’s Vice President of Product Management. This handheld...
When a gaming provider decides to shut down their servers for any game, the online rumor mill whirls. Ubisoft is a huge name in Canadian gaming...
Rising like a phoenix from the ashes.
For England, James?
Sony's latest financial report has confirmed that users are playing their PS4 and PS5 consoles less than they were a year ago.
Here at NXpress Towers, we believe in Lechonk supremacy. This week on the NXpress Nintendo Podcast, Cameron Daxon, Marc Kaliroff, and Campbell Gill celebrate what would have been the first...