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Your Secret Weapon: All Star Tower Defense Codes (Updated List)



Hello gamers, ready for the action? We have got some amazing All Star Tower Defense codes for you to get daily rewards.

All Star Tower Defense Roblox games are all about fighting enemies with power-up characters, and for that, you need coins, gems, and more.

Also Read: Shindo Life Codes January 2025: Free RELL coins, Spins, and Redemption Guide

If you are looking to upgrade your gaming journey, stick till the end because, in this guide, we are going to unravel everything for you with updated codes and steps to follow to get your hands on freebies. So, without further ado, let’s begin!

Below are the Updated All Star Tower Defense codes:

superdaydaykid100ksubs – Get 220 Stardust and 9,000 Gems (Need 5 minutes and level 40) (New)

sbrupdate – Get 240 Stardust and 9,000 Gems (Need 5 minutes and level 40) (New)

omgupdate2024 – Get 240 Stardust and 9,000 Gems (Need 10 minutes and level 80) (New)

animecardbattle – Get Stardust and Gems

blamspot500kcodeunitrelease – Unlock a new unit

egoupdate – Get 220 Stardust and 9,000 Gems (Need 5 minutes and level 50)

fraudkunaupdate – Get 220 Stardust and 9,000 Gems (Need 10 minutes and level 50)

Expired All Star Tower Defense Codes: Do Not Use:

1. miniupd393 / tradingupdate: Get 140 Stardust + 8,600 Gems (Need 10 mins and level 60).

2. HunterStarPass: 140 Stardust + 4,500 Gems (Need 10 mins and level 40).

3. hope2024: 140 Stardust + 1,500 Gems (Need 10 mins and level 40).

4. Tsukuyomi2024: 140 Stardust + 4,500 Gems (Need 10 mins and level 40).

5. animeroulette1: 150 Stardust (Need a badge).

6. thankyoufor6bvisits: 475 Stardust, 9,500 Gems, and a Worm Assassin Unit (Need 10 mins and level 40).

7. 24hoursupdate: Worm Assassin (Revived) Unit (Need 15 mins and level 40).

8. EnumaElish2024: 400 Stardust + 7,300 Gems (Need 10 mins and level 60).

9. videocode12135: 100 Stardust + 2,400 Gems (Need 10 mins and level 60).

10. tournamentstart: 150 Stardust + 5,000 Gems (Need 10 mins and level 40).

11. newupdate1121: 200 Stardust + 7,500 Gems (Need 10 mins and level 40).

12. UpdateThisWeek / sorry4delay: 150 Stardust + 5,000 Gems (Need 5 mins and level 40).

13. happyholidays1: 200 Stardust + 5,000 Gems (Need 2 mins and level 40).

14. happyholidays2: 200 Stardust + 5,000 Gems (Need 20 mins and level 100).

15. PreChriistmas2023: 150 Stardust + 2,750 Gems.

16. newstarpass69: 150 Stardust (Need 20 mins and level 30).

17. happy3yearanniversary: 300 Stardust + 2,750 Gems (Need 2 mins and level 40).

18. srry4delay / happyspookymonth: 200 Stardust + 2,750 Gems (Need 30 mins and level 40+).

19. newupdatecode: 150 Stardust (Need 30 mins).

20. TheDrumsOfLiberation2: 50 Stardust (Need 2 hours).

21. 6billionvists / TheDrumsOfLiberation: Up to 2,500 Gems + 200 Stardust (Need level 40+).

22. sorryfordelayupdate2: 2,000 Gems + 200 Stardust (Need level 40+).

23. july4threalupdate: 2,000 Gems + 150 Stardust (Need level 40+).

24. abouttimesnowrbx2023: Ice X-Marine (Alternative) (Need level 40+).

25. melonmen1: 1,500 Gems + 150 Stardust.

26. youtubekingluffy350kdone: White Star Ball.

27. newupdcode2: 150 Stardust.

28. newupdcode3: 100 Stardust + 1,000 Gems.

29. blamsponge: 240 Stardust + 3,000 Gems + 1,000 Gold (Need level 50+).

30. diablo12: Omega Rare Pet.

31. maintenacecode15: 100 Stardust + 4 Exp IVs.

32. sorryforlongdelay: 150 Stardust + 3,000 Gems (Need level 40+).

33. navyxflame170kyoutubereal: 100 Stardust + 1,000 Gems + 1,000 Gold + XP (Need level 75+).

34. thankyoufor5bvisits: 500 Stardust + 10,000 Gems + XP (Need level 100+).

35. delayp: 150 Stardust + 3,000 Gems + 4x XP 6 Stars.

36. lvlreqny: 150 Stardust + 2,023 Gems + XP (Need level 60+).

37. happyholidays: 89 Stardust + 2,022 Gems.

38. world3ishere: 50 Stardust + 10 Exp IVs + 4,000 Gems (Need level 115+).

39. winterguy19: 105 Stardust + 250 Gems.

40. bigwinterupdatesoon: 90 Stardust + 90 Gems (Need level 40+).

41. 2milfavoriteup: 150 Stardust + 10 Exp IVs + 8,000 Gems (Need level 70+).

42. 2yearanniversaryduo: 95 Stardust + 10 Exp IVs + 5,000 Gems (Need level 40+).

43. timechamberfix: 100 Gems + 20 Stardust.

44. newstarcode: 90 Stardust.

45. mbshutdown: 50 Stardust + 10 Exp.

46. 2yearanniversary: 10,000 Gems + 100 Stardust + 10 Exp IVs (Need level 40+).

47. stardustupdate: 5,000 Gems.

48. ASTDDragonoidBakugan: Dragonoid Mount.

49. 1millikes: 650 Gems + Omega Rare IV.

50. summerwoo2022: 750 Gems + Omega-Rare EXP IV.

51. changesjune: 450 Gems.

52. owouch: 400 Gems.

53. Halloween2022: Ice Queen (Hollow).

54. SubscribeToBlamSpotOnYoutube200k: TacoChita.

55. Hooray50k: 400 Gems.

56. astd1millikes: 1,250 Gems.

57. newaprilupdate: 450 Gems.

58. allstarspring: 450 Gems.

59. NavyXFlame130kNoLeak: EXP IV + 500 Gems.

60. ticketupdate: 400 Gems.

61.congratulations2kingluffy300ksubscribersonyoutube300k: Mega-Rare character.

62. ultramove: Ultra Capsule.

63. superwoop: 400 Gems.

64. 1mgroupmembers: 800 Gems + 800 Gold.

65. themadao: 1,000 Gems + 750 Gold + 1 EXP IV.

66. -ASTDDevs: 500 Gems + 500 Gold + EXP IV.

67. world2ishere: 500 Gold + 300 Gems.

68. world2comingsoon: 250 Gold + 250 Gems.

69. astdx2022: 1,000 Gold + 500 Gems + Omega-Rare.

70. merrychristmas2k21: 1,000 Gold + 1,000 Gems + EXP IV.

71. winterbreakwhen: 250 Gems + 250 Gold.

72. KingLuffyFan200k: Ultra Rare King Ruffy.


74. december2021: 500 Gold + 300 Gems.

75. thecityofangels: 250 Gems + 250 Gold.

76. igot2look: 250 Gems + 250 Gold.

77. eatlotsonthanksgiving: 300 Gems + 500 Gold.

78. novemberupdate: 300 Gems + 500 Gold (May work on private servers).

79. 100ksubnavyxflame: 300 Gems + Mega Rare Super Koku Black (SSJ3).

80. fromastd: 500 Gems + 500 Gold + Omega Rare EXP IV.

81. starshipway: Gems + EXP IV.

82. navyxflame80ksubs: EXP III + Gems.

83. anniversaryastd: 1,500 Gold + 1,200 Gems + Omega-Rare.

84. fruit100k: 300 Gems + EXP III.

85. jahajha: 150 Gems.

86. shotofmemories: 150 Gems.

87. quickshut: 100 Gems.

88. lieawake: 150 Gems.

89. freedom: 150 Gems.

90. likeapartyonthelist: 150 Gems.

91. 1bvisit1b: 1,000 Gems.

92. 1billionvisit21drip: 200 Gems + 300 Gold + Koku Drip Skin.

93. eastercoda21: 150 Gems.

94. helloworld2021: 150 Gems.

95. somemorenewcoode: 150 Gems.

96. isitthenewerayet: 150 Gems.

97. hchgaming: 150 Gems.

98. handsoftime: 2 EXP IIIs.

99. gameon2021: 500 Gems.

100. lovetofightastd: 150 Gems.

101. world1ishere: 100 Gems + 50 Stardust.

102. gameon2022: 500 Gems + 500 Gold.122. navyxflame300ksubs: 100 Gems + 200 Stardust.

103. thankyoufor100k: 200 Gems + 100 Stardust.

104. newyear2023: 150 Gems + 150 Stardust.

105. summer2022update: 400 Gems + 100 Stardust.

106. january2023: 200 Gems + 200 Stardust.

107. spring2023: 300 Gems + 100 Stardust.

108. happybirthday2023: 500 Gems + 200 Stardust.

109. bigupdate2023: 1,000 Gems + 500 Gold.

110. megaevent2023: 250 Gems + 500 Stardust.

111. exclusiveevent2023: 100 Gems + 50 Stardust.

112. fall2023: 150 Gems + 300 Gold.133. happynewyear2024: 200 Gems + 200 Stardust.

114. summer2024: 250 Gems + 150 Stardust.

115. autumn2024: 300 Gems + 100 Stardust.

116. 2024update: 1,000 Gems + 500 Stardust.

117. newrewards2024: 400 Gems + 200 Stardust.

118. exclusiveupdate2024: 500 Gems + 250 Stardust.

119. special2024event: 1,500 Gems + 1,000 Gold.

120. newyearspecial2024: 200 Gems + 150 Stardust.

How to Redeem ASTD Codes: A Step-by-Step Guide

After getting your hands on active codes, you need to follow the steps below to redeem your prize.

1. Log into the game.

2. Find the gear icon in the top left corner of the screen.

3. Tap the gear icon to open the code menu.

4. Enter a valid ASTD code.

5. Last but not least, check if the code is correct so that you can receive rewards automatically.

If it’s invalid, a message will appear on your screen with an error. So, enter your codes properly.

How to Find More Redeem Codes for ASTD:

If you want to get more active codes in the future, you can join the official Discord or follow the official Twitter of All Star Tower Defense. But the easiest way to get updated codes is to bookmark our site for regular updates on your favorite games, including active codes, reviews, and guides.

Lastly, keep gaming! 🎮

Karishma Singh is a content writer with a year of experience and a PhD in procrastination. When she's not crafting words, she's either battling it out in Mobile Legends, binge-watching anime, or plotting ways to join the Loki's universe. She's yet to decide if her true calling is writing or becoming Gotham's next vigilante.

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