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The Games You Haven’t Played Bonus! – “Megaman ZX Prequel”



Exciting news for Megaman and fan game fans here today. In the first “Games You Haven’t Played” bonus entry, I bring news of an upcoming English and Japanese translation of the fan game Megaman ZX Prequel. A Chinese fan made project, Megaman ZX Prequel is a Windows native game set 200 years before the original ZX. It’s been out and highly regarded since July, but now there is a fully translated version alongside an updated build on the way. Production began about 2 weeks ago according to this forum post (in Japanese).  Check out the game in the video below.

You can play the game right now in Chinese. I’ve read there are some issues with the game running on the latest version of Windows 10 though. I’m sure the update will address this. You can get through the game with minor difficulty despite the language barrier, but you will miss out on the plot obviously.

If Capcom refuses to make Megaman games for the modern day, the fans will. I’m looking forward to checking this one out!


Why hello there. I write about the video game industry. I usually write features about the history and state of the industry, and dive into topics like game design and tech. I'm also a competitive fighting game player and speedrunner. I talk about old fighting games and Mother 3 too often for most people's taste. Money match me in WindJammers if you don't mind losing. Aside from gaming, I work as a professional musician and do a bit of stand-up comedy. You can find me writing jokes and retweeting fan art @PfhorTheWin.
