Tekken 2: An Absolute classic of the Genre The unassuming grey box known as the PlayStation was a little over a year old (in North America...
Mass Effect or Star Wars? Notwithstanding the title of this article, I want to make one thing abundantly clear before I begin to defend my position:...
Not so Final Fantasy is a tri-weekly column dedicated to all things Final Fantasy; from specific aspects of specific titles, to the universal features that set...
The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit isn’t a video game in the traditional sense. That’s not intended as a pointed criticism of sedentary, choose-your-own-adventure-style titles in...
Not so Final Fantasy is a tri-weekly column dedicated to all things Final Fantasy; from specific aspects of specific titles, to the universal features that set...
Not so Final Fantasy is a tri-weekly column dedicated to all things Final Fantasy; from specific aspects of specific titles, to the universal features that set...
The H1Z1 open beta has been going for over a week now and, after some initial server problems that left countless thousands of players stuck staring...
Enter the word ‘Zombie’ on Wikipedia – the university student’s best friend; infallible fount of knowledge for humankind in the 21st century – and this is...
Not so Final Fantasy is a tri-weekly column dedicated to all things Final Fantasy; from specific aspects of specific titles, to the universal features that set...
Okay, so I have a confession to make right off the bat: I’m not a total Dark Souls newbie. A couple years back, I picked up...