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A Winner Is You

A Winner Is You Podcast Episode 3: Bioshock



Bioshock Review

A Winner Is You begins its game club proper with our first deep dive (pun remorselessly intended) episode, and we’re starting with a real doozy. Bioshock was a seminal moment in video game storytelling and world design, and remains one of the jewels in the crown of its generation.

We discuss the game’s merits both historically and in 2021, and then take you through the game from start to finish – talking through each area, the story beats and major set-pieces, and our opinions on how the game unfolds.

If you’re a fan of everything Rapture, would you kindly take a listen? A man listens, a slave… doesn’t listen.

You can listen to the show on:
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Crotchety Englishman who spends hundreds of pounds on video game tattoos and Amiibo in equally wallet-crippling measure. Likes grammar a lot, but not as much as he likes heading out for a sesh of Bakamitai karaoke in Kamurocho. You can hear his dulcet tones on the A Winner Is You game club podcast right here on GoombaStomp!
