Battleborn is the remarkably unremarkable love child of Borderlands and League of Legends. The offspring of two distinctly different genres, Battleborn just doesn’t seem to know...
With Nintendo’s first mobile app seemingly a step in the right direction and a firm foundation in the company’s burgeoning online system, there is evidence that...
The simple answer to the question proposed in this article’s title is: don’t compete. Innovate and stand apart from the rest, produce something that is both unique and...
There is no doubt that Nintendo has struggled in recent years partly due to their frequent lack of third party support. With the next Nintendo console...
On November 22nd, Sony announced that they’ve sold more than 30.2 million PS4 consoles through to consumers in roughly two years on the market. For those...
About forty-five hours into playing The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, I was tasked with tracking down an old companion of mine who had gone AWOL. The...
Goldeneye 007 was originally conceived as an on-rails shooter inspired by Sega’s Virtual Cop, before being redesigned as a free-roaming shooter. Highly revered by gamers worldwide,...