If the general operative way to make a sequel to a massive success like Final Fantasy VII would be to give people more of the same, only bigger...
There’s a particularly telling moment toward the end of Final Fantasy VIII that really lets you know what kind of finale you’re in for. After a climactic...
In many Final Fantasy titles and RPGs in general, the game begins with a foregone conclusion that the two leads will end up romantically involved at some point,...
Life is Strange 2 continues its strong trajectory from the previous episode, weaving a complex and troubling tale of faith gone mad.
Being a franchise well-known for its strong characterization and enduring protagonists, the Final Fantasy series is home to some of the most memorable heroes in all of...
Square Enix. Say that name to many people, and they’ll likely expect an E3 presentation full of JRPGs like Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts. Hey, they’d...
Life is Strange 2 ups the ante considerably in its high stakes, high emotion 3rd episode. This might be the best episode of any Life is...
Some statements are very controversial. People get fired up having deep discussions about politics, social issues, or in an equally serious topic: video games. One franchise...
Any series with a dozen games in its mainline story and over 15 years of time investment will naturally have an endless pile of expectations directed...
Kingdom Hearts