For players who love to be a tiny guy in a big world, Tinykin is the perfect platformer.
The Artful Escape fails to capitalize on its many wonderful ideas and ends up being a depressing disappointment.
Blue Fire carries its inspirations proudly, often veering into cliché with a boring world and tedious combat, but it ultimately emerges a unique, worthwhile experience thanks...
Spinch Review Developer: Queen Bee Games | Publisher: Akupara Games | Genre: Platformer | Platforms: Nintendo Switch, PC | Reviewed on: Nintendo Switch To stand out as an indie game in today’s crowded marketplace, a...
Rote but engaging, Stela is a lovely experience bolstered by an incredible score.
Couch co-op is a phrase that’s used pretty infrequently these days. In fact, it seems that couch co-op wasn’t even a phrase at all until it...
'The Lost Light of Sisu' approaches the physics-based platforming genre with the best of intentions, but the inconsistent gameplay never feels comfortable, and more often leads...
The Wario Land series is a strange beast – and a consistently excellent one, at that. A strong departure from the mainline Mario entries, the Wario...
Guacamelee 2 hasn't gone through a drastic WWE-style character change, but it hasn't performed a heel turn either.
Iconoclasts is far from an average 2D platformer. Learn how this little gem of a game stacks up on the Nintendo Switch.