Best Games of the Last Generation Alex Aldridge and David Smillie are back to conclude the two-part special on the best games of last generation. Having...
These are 20 games that you owe it to yourself to experience on either your current PlayStation 4 or future PlayStation 5 system...
Nine Video Games We Wish Were Live-Action Movies 8- Amnesia What’s scarier than waking up and not knowing where you are? How about not knowing where you...
Times are hard, so are these trivia questions! Join us for one of our favorite recurring segments, Trivia Time, and distract yourself from your troubles with...
Video games have made their way into the hearts of fans for decades. Five video games in particular deserve a film adaptation.
When it comes to evoking emotion and translating feeling to the audience, few aspects of art are as important as the music.
Best Video Game Soundtracks of 2018 As I do every year, I’ve made another awesome mixtape sampling my favourite songs from the best video game soundtracks of...
We’re finally here – the ten best games of 2018 – or at least what is our staff’s ten favourite games released this year. As I...
After a troubled history, is 'Darksiders III' worth the six year wait? Does Fury whip as good as her brothers' slice 'n' dice?
Please be warned reader that this article contains MAJOR spoilers for the story of ‘God of War.’ Transforming traditional folklore and stories faithfully isn’t an easy...