The Game Boys are covering PAX West Prime!  Here’s what they have to say after their first day!  In this episode: Blade Ballet, Kill Strain, Death Squared, and Destiny: Rise...
Welcome to the E3 episode of Game Boys!  A plethora of co-op games were present at E3 and so was Tim!  In this episode, the Game Boys...
With the end in sight for another glorious E3, gaming fans around the World were invited to experience their first tantalising glimpses of some of the biggest...
Sony opened their E3 conference in 2016 with a demo for a new God of War game for the PS4. From then on, Sony let the...
2015 saw a staggering amount of great games released, with many of them (Bloodborne, MGSV, The Witcher 3) sizing themselves up to face off against the best games of...