In a series where cyborg ninjas can tear through robots, psychics can read players’ memory cards, and a man can kill his father twice without dwelling...
“Finally, we can leave all that crap in San Hieronymo behind…” Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker’s existence is awkward to say the least. Not only is...
For anyone reading this who knows me, it would come as no surprise that I consider Metal Gear Solid an influential game in my life. I’ve...
Things, not just video games, are at their scariest when you’re simply not expecting it. This universal applies to everything, whether it’s random post through your...
2017 for the most part has been filled with some fantastic games, and horror has really taken genre-related strides this year. Friday the 13th, Dead by...
The world of ROM hacks can be a scary place. Diving head first into the community with little prior knowledge is a frustrating experience. There are...
Metal Gear is a name that, by now, is permanently etched not only into the history of video games, but outside culture at large, unlike any...
At the ripe old age of 33, I’ve seen my fair share of seismic changes within the gaming industry. From the excitement and subsequent shunning of...
The inaugural Tribeca Games Festival took place this weekend and with it came panels featuring conversations with some of the industries brightest talents including Ken Levine,...
Hideo Kojima, the mastermind behind the Metal Gear series, once said: “as a creator, I always want to betray fans’ expectations.” Throughout his hallmark series, Kojima...