Since its release in 1996, Resident Evil (known as Biohazard in Japan) remains one of the most popular and influential series in the genre of survival horror. In fact, Capcom...
So this blog has been a long time coming as I’ve been a fan of this creator for a fair amount of time now. I’m not...
These are 20 games that you owe it to yourself to experience on either your current PlayStation 4 or future PlayStation 5 system...
“Embrace your dreams.” In an RPG stuffed with plenty of memorable optional content, the death of Zack Fair is arguably Final Fantasy VII’s greatest secret. By...
“And so the hound weaves his final chapter in this tale of life.” Final Fantasy VII is considered one of the greatest video games of all...
Keeping in mind Advent Children released 8 years after Final Fantasy VII, characters like Zack and Aerith were able to garner their own legacies.
“When it’s time for the Planet to die, you’ll understand that you know absolutely nothing.” Video games as an art form are able to engage with...
One of the key elements of Final Fantasy is the strength of its characters, a strength best embodied by Final Fantasy VII.
Ranking the Final Fantasy VII Villains Final Fantasy VII is a fantastic RPG for a whole host of reasons, but one of the most enduring is its...
What is initially one of the most baffling new additions to the story of Final Fantasy VII Remake eventually pays off in a very big way.