Me! Hip-Hip-Hooray! I’m thrilled to announce that my personal information was made public by the security flaws in ESA’s website that led to the E3 leak....
‘Under the Radar’ is a series dedicated to the unknown titles that many players might have missed. These can range from games that no one’s ever...
I got hands on with a lot of games at E3 2019, but getting to play Control was absolutely the highlight of my experience at the...
The eighth generation of Pokémon is dropping later this November featuring a brand-new series of Poké-friends to collect and train in the all-new Galar region. After...
Nintendo of late have flattered to deceive during their E3 Directs. Last year’s effort, through its 25-minute Smash instruction manual, painted something of a worrying picture...
Let’s be real here: E3 2019 didn’t quite live up to the months of anticipation, predictions, and rumors that preceded it. This year felt especially lackluster....
Outside of getting one’s hands on that much-anticipated game, it’s hard to point to a more exciting time of the year for fans than when the...
Square Enix. Say that name to many people, and they’ll likely expect an E3 presentation full of JRPGs like Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts. Hey, they’d...
Ubisoft did away with horribly annoying presenters this year, stopped trying to ‘create memes’ during their conference, and stuck to the games. But were they good...
This was my first year attending the Microsoft E3 Press Conference, and I’ll absolutely admit that it was everything of the spectacle that I had imagined....