Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice follows in a long line of brutally difficult games from the sadists at FromSoftware. From the mind-shattering learning curve of Demon’s Souls to the...
*Spoilers for From Software’s Bloodborne (2015) ahead* Yesterday was International Women’s Day 2019, and my mind can’t help but wander and consider the female characters that...
As a massive fan of From Software’s Soulsborne series, I have found myself adrift in catch-22s surrounding Hidetaka Miyazaki’s brain-children as of late. As much as...
E3 2018 has been a bit of a biggie in terms of new game announcements, despite the amount of leaks that made it all seem pointless...
A look at the demo for "Sea Salt", a new indie title currently running as a campaign on Kickstarter.
Top 10 Games is a new, semi-regular series that hopes to offer a bit of insight into the twisted minds of Goomba Stomp’s writers, editors, and podcasters by...
Revisiting Demon’s Souls on its Anniversary Around the mid to late 2000s, I began to notice that video games at large were becoming increasingly passive experiences....
I firmly believe that people's favorite games are those they play in their teenage and early adult years, and, well, that's where I'm at now.
“I am going to tell you something, little creature. You are swimming further and further out to sea, and beyond are things blind and terrible.” –...
It has been officially announced that online servers for Demon’s Souls will die off come February 28th, 2018, the month of the game’s (and Souls/Bloodborne series’s)...