Breath of the Wild's tells a captivating story about the need for freedom in its backstory only to crumble under the weight of too much where...
Final Fantasy VI was built on a foundation five masterpieces-strong.
Final Fantasy V is a near flawless RPG and one of Square’s finest 16-bit achievements.
Final Fantasy IV took the franchise to new heights.
Fire Emblem's storytelling deserves better, has been better, and is better than Engage.
Final Fantasy III is an adventure unlike any other, but one worth going back in time to experience.
Final Fantasy II was an important stepping stone for the series and genre, flaws and all.
20 years later, The Wind Waker’s Ganondorf is still The Legend of Zelda’s best villain.
“Zelda is a game that values reality over realism.” Running from 1989 to 2001, Space World was a trade show hosted by Nintendo between the end...
The original Final Fantasy is a testament to the simple brilliance of good game design.