Coming from Tim Schafer and Double Fine Productions, Broken Age started life as a Kickstarter project in early 2012. Hoping that people missed the point-and-click adventure...
In 2009 Rocksteady achieved what many thought was impossible; they made a genuinely good Batman game. With Arkham Asylum they created a claustrophobic atmosphere, told an enjoyable...
There I was, sat sipping a cup of steaming hot tea (milk, four sugars) and stroking my cat on a warm August morning. I was in...
In March of 2015, From Software’s Bloodborne rolled out to an incredibly enthusiastic response from critics. If you’re the type to hold Metacritic ratings in high...
(Note: There will be pretty serious spoilers for The Last of Us throughout this article. If you haven’t played it, I’d suggest you stop reading and...
I’d been a SEGA kid in my formative years as a gamer thanks to an ill-advised decision from my parents to buy me a Mega Drive...
I distinctly recall the first time I ever saw anyone cry because of a video game. It was back in the mid-’90s, and during a game of...
On November 22nd, Sony announced that they’ve sold more than 30.2 million PS4 consoles through to consumers in roughly two years on the market. For those...
At this point, saying that Final Fantasy XV has been in development for a long time is like saying that opening the Ark of the Covenant...
About forty-five hours into playing The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, I was tasked with tracking down an old companion of mine who had gone AWOL. The...