Fortunately, Pokémon Sword specifically, has given more reason than just filling the pokédex for future Galar trainers to go seek out this elusive duck. Meet Sirfetch'd!
'Eight-Minute Empire' is the easiest strategy game you'll likely play this decade. The rules are simple; earn the most victory points.
Choose Your Roster! For many strategy games, balance is the most important aspect of building your team. Whether you like to aggressively attack the enemy before...
With so many fantastic indie games readily available on the Nintendo Switch, it might seem like quite the statement to say that Cadence of Hyrule is...
Ever since Pokémon X and Y introduced mega evolution, Pokémon has been looking for ways to change the battle system in the franchise. After Mega Evolution...
'Imperator Rome' has bags of potential, but there isn't enough content, enough gameplay, nor enough fun to be had in its current state.
Tropico 6 has a unique way of curtailing an ambitious dictator, and it isn't just the limitations that the boundaries of a Caribbean island present but...
'Dawn of Man' is a mammoth skeleton waiting to come alive. With a little more content, it could go from a decent strategy game to an...
Puzzle-platformers have become a staple on the Nintendo eShop, and with every good one that captures our imagination, there's a bad one that doesn't quite meet...
It’s easy to see where Odd Realm gets much of its influence. Unashamedly, it can be described as Rimworld set in a different time frame. While still...