What does it mean to be human? It’s a question that philosophers, artists, and scientists have attempted to answer since the dawn of recorded history. Why...
The Game Boys had a wonderful trip to L.A. where they got to cover E3 2018. Now, they’re back and they brought back impressions of all...
I’ve had a couple hours to play through Epic Games’ latest port of Fortnite: Battle Royale released on Nintendo Switch shortly after Nintendo’s E3 Direct earlier...
Sony came into this conference from a position of strength and the confidence tonight was palpable. The comfort they have in their market position throughout was...
The H1Z1 open beta has been going for over a week now and, after some initial server problems that left countless thousands of players stuck staring...
Curse of the Moon is a Bloodstained tie-in spinoff that is more than just a quick Kickstarter promise.
While Destiny 2: Warmind doesn't solve all of the title's problems, it's a refreshing change from the barren landscape the game had devolved into prior to...
Omensight takes a looping doomsday detective narrative and combines it with a sleek combat system. While the combination doesn't necessarily pay off in spades, it proves...
Whether you love them or hate them, the God of War games are some of the most important titles in PlayStation history. Since 2005 Sony’s Santa Monica Studio...
E3 is only one month away! With each week comes more leaks and sneak peeks, and if the Game Boys don’t hurry with their predictions, they...