This week, the Game Boys are making Frankenstein’s Monster-esque abominations by stealing parts from different genres and combining them. Specifically, they’re playing a game where they...
Co-optober continues for the Game Boys. This week, for the second time in show history, the Game Boys review a movie. They do a questionable job...
It’s the spooky season. Actually, according to the Game Boys, the spooky season runs from January until the end of November, but it’s spooky season for...
This week, with all information finally out and prices fully revealed, the Game Boys decide between the PS5 and the Xbox Series X. They weigh the...
As part of their Extra Life campaign, the twenty-four hour charity drive where gamers play video games unceasingly and others can watch on twitch or donate...
The days are growing shorter, the nights darker and colder, and one can’t shake the feeling that everywhere they go they’re being watched! Â It can only...
Grab your chainsaws ’cause the Game Boys’ month long spooktacular celebration continues this week with the return of Gears of War!  Before Gears of War 4, Ryan...
Three weeks out from the release of the full title, Nintendo have released a demo for the upcoming 3DS game Metroid Prime: Federation Force.  Tim and Ryan...