From nightmare fuel to unexpected gem, Sonic the Hedgehog’s cinematic career has been a roller coaster. Can Sonic keep the franchise’s velocity going with Sonic the...
The Game Boys’ most ridiculous recurring segment is back and worse than ever! Rather than taking some horrendous personality quizzes they found online, this week Alex,...
Having played dozens of Game Pass games for the podcast, the subscription service is all but a sponsor of the show. Leaning in to that, the...
This week, the Game Boys are finally doing their job and covering one of the most critically received co-op games in recent memory – It Takes...
We’re a quarter through the year and a quarter through another year of Game Boys’ Book Club! This month’s pick was Tim’s, and he had everyone...
People and friendships change. They grow apart, interests shift, and commonalities disappear. The same is true of gaming franchises. As gamers age, their interests ever changing,...
In this special episode of Game Boys, Alex, Ryan, and Tim have the distinct pleasure of previewing the highly anticipated “Souls-like” title, Heartless Kingdom. Can new...
Dream Land is as simple as the Kirby formula gets, but the game is no worse for wear because of it.
This week marks the third bookclub episode of 2022. Alex was responsible for picking the game for March, and he opted for Nobody Save the World....
This week marks the return of the Game Boys’ debate club segment, DLC – Debate Like you Care. Only, in a shocking twist, the impromptu stances...