The Game Boys are back with one of their recurring segments – Beat, Complete, Delete! Unlike previous BCDs, this time the Boys are working together to...
Each new year, the Game Boys share some of the things they hope to see throughout the year. Ranging from likely, to plausible, to outright pipe...
2021 is over. Now, it’s time to decide the best it had to offer. The Golden Game Boy Awards are back! In this episode, Alex, Ryan,...
The year 2021 has come to a close, and with it so has the Game Boys experimental Book Club segment. Before the Boys close that chapter...
At long last, the Game Boys’ year-long “Book Club” experiment has come to a close. For the final selection of the year, Alex picked the 2014...
The Game Boys love gaming together. But, they don’t always agree about the experiences they’ve shared. That includes the heavily anticipated Halo Infinite. How does Infinite...
It’s the hap-happiest season of all, but that means you probably need to get some gifts for some people in your life. Here’s the Game Boys’...
It’s the penultimate Game Boys Book Club! November’s game was Super Mario RPG. Does the SNES classic hold up? Find out! Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen...
This week, the Game Boys are sharing what they’re thankful for. But, in typical Game Boy fashion, they’re making a game of it. Thank you so...
This week, the Boys gotta go fast again. In cars this time. Ugly cars. Ugly cars in Mexico. Ugly cars in Mexico in Forza Horizon 5!...