The calm before the storm is officially over, as the release of Mario Maker 2 kicks off the bounty of Nintendo’s solid lineup of 2nd-half games for...
In 2015, the Wii U’s Super Mario Maker made waves as the gold standard for commercial level creators. It offered quick and capable tools for realising...
With the release of Super Mario Maker 2, Nintendo Switch owners finally get to walk around in Shigeru Miyamoto’s shoes (metaphorically, of course), living out the...
This week on the NXpress Nintendo Podcast we review Detective Pikachu, which marks the first time any Hollywood studio has attempted a live-action movie adaptation of the...
Super Mario Maker is a fantastic game. Very few would argue against that, despite its shortcomings. Sure, the menus outside of the level creator are a...
Gaming is a wonderful experience. It brings together people that might normally never even hope to meet and drives them toward a similar goal. Through the...
This week, we had a lot to discuss and so we apologize in advance that the show runs a little long. First, we discuss Nintendo’s newest...
With the release of a new title in the legendary Super Mario Bros. series, there always follows a tidal wave of hype and fanfare. Last month’s...
This week we continue our Super Mario marathon and discuss Super Mario 64, arguably one of the greatest video games to date, and one which all games would be...
Super Mario Galaxy 2 Review I think we can all agree that Super Mario Galaxy 2 is an outstanding game. It never rests on its laurels...